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Quick Catch Up (Former Clients)

Zoom or phone into a quick catch up.

  • 15 min
  • 0.00
  • Zoom or phone where it's private and comfortable for you.

Service Description

It may have been a while since your last session and you maybe feeling like you need to have a quick chat. That sounds like a perfectly reasonable plan! Set aside a small piece of your day to catch up and check in to see how you are going. Maybe there are some old issues that have popped up out of the blue. Maybe there are some areas of your life that are causing you some concern. Or maybe you just feel a little isolated and worried. What ever it is, it's fine with me, lets get together and see how it goes. Even in the short time you can update me on what's happening your life, what's important, wha't getting in there way and together what might be a small satisfying step you could take next. We do this mini Matrix over zoom or the phone for 15 minutes and then agree a plan and get on with our day. During our brief time together you get to experince how comfortable stepping back into the counselling space can be, ask the questions you need to have answered and decide what you need to do next. It's a simple and quick restart to the counselling process where you can start to work on what 's important for you now, how to move ahead independently or if you would like to re-engage with a supported counselling program or a single session.

Cancellation Policy

SESSIONS, FEES, BOOKING, CANCELLATIONS & PAYMENTS. Counselling sessions are usually 60 minutes in duration, are priced from $125.00 per session and are only available by appointment. Sessions can be booked and paid in advance via the website menu book online function. Changes and rescheduling of appointments can be managed via text to 0431 212 099 up to one business day prior to the scheduled appointment time without penalty; After which full charges apply. A full fee applies in the event of a “no-show”. Unpaid invoices will be sent to and external provider for collection. Any cost associated with collection of unpaid invoices will be passed on to the client. Please allow enough time to arrive for your appointment, sessions commence promptly at the allocated time and end 60 minutes after. Sessions will not be extended to due to late arrival.

Contact Details


Bright Vista Counselling Service, Knollbrook Close, Highton VIC, Australia

If you are in crisis or need immediate assistance, please call Emergency Services on 000 or Lifeline on 13 11 14
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